Getting Started with

If this is your first influencer marketing campaign, we know that you probably have a lot of questions. How many influencers do I need? What should I be paying them? How do I pick the right influencers for my campaign? Don’t worry. We are going to answer all these questions and many more. 

If you’re a seasoned influencer marketing specialist you should still get a lot out of value from these resources as we’ll be going in-depth on how to use each piece of the influencer marketing toolkit we’ve built on

We break down influencer marketing into three easy parts:

  • Part I - Preparing to Run Your Campaign
    • How to set yourself and your campaign up for success. We’ll walk you step-by-step through setting up your Business Page, creating campaigns and writing briefs. We’ll also help you anticipate what questions you’ll be getting from digital influencers and how to handle them.
  • Part II - Reaching out and Interacting with Influencers and Creators
    • Once you’re ready to start talking to influencers we’ll walk you through the ways you can reach out to influencers, as well as how to encourage them to contact you. And when they do, you’ll know how to evaluate their profiles and fit for your campaign and brand.
  • Part III - Running Your Campaign and What Comes After
    • Let’s talk about what to do when you’re running your campaign and what you should do after all the influencer content has been posted. Many times the follow up after the campaign can be the most important part of the process.